Media Content

Created by The Center for Alcohol and Drug Resources, a program of Children’s Aid and Family Services, supported a social media campaign fully created by youth called “#Papaya -Youth Mental …

The following is an article featured on NPR’s Health News. “Of all the things she could have done on her summer vacation, Bithaniya Fieseha, a senior at West Springfield High …

The following is featured on the Center for Health Care Strategies resource page. “Though children and adolescents are at the center of pediatrics as the recipients of care, their voices …

For SBHC Awareness Month, our Youth Advisory Council created one pagers to report on advocacy activities in their states. Council members shared information on current legislation, their state affiliates, and …

By Jordi Alftine , SBHA Youth Advisory Council member The following reflects Jordi’s lived experiences, thoughts, and opinions. Mental health is crucial to overall well-being, particularly for teenagers and young …

By: Chris Oshana, former Youth Advisory Council Member Chris Oshana is a senior at the University of Michigan studying Biopsychology, Cognition, and Neuroscience, with a minor in Social Class and Inequality …